How To Set Icon Box Carousel


Litho Icon Box Carousel  widget allows you to create a slider of images, media, and text.


Icon Box

Carousel itemsAdd carousel items by clicking “+”sign


Icon viewChoose between different icon view styles
Image sizeSet the image size from the available different sizes
Title HTML tagSet the HTML tag of the title as H1…H6, div, span or paragraph

Slider Configuration

Slides to showSelect the number of slides to show at one time, from 1 to 10, default or auto
Items spacing Set the spacing between the image and the content
NavigationSet the navigation for the slider as dots and arrows
Pause on hover Check “yes” to add pause effect hover
Autoplay Check “yes” to show autoplay on the slider
Autoplay speedSet the time between each slide. This time is in milliseconds, so 1000 ms is equal to 1 second
Infinite loopShow the carousel in a continuous loop, infinitely. Yes or No
Animation speedSet the time it takes for the animation speed to appear
RTLSet the slider direction from right to left
CursorSet the cursor visuals as black, white, or default



AlignmentAlign the text to the left, right, center, or justified
Hover animationSet the hover animation from the available for the icon box 
Transition durationSet the duration for the transition
Background typeSet background type as a classic or gradient
Border typeSet a border to the entire box
Border radiusSet the border radius for the box
Padding Set the amount of padding
MarginSet the margin for the feature box
Box shadowSet the shadow for the box


Icon colorSet the icon color from the solid or gradient
SizeSet the icon size
RotateSet the rotation for the icon
Box shadowSet the shadow for the icon box


WidthSet the width for the image
CSS filterApply CSS filter for the image
OpacitySet the opacity for the image


Typography (Title)Set the typography for the title
Color (Title)Set the color for the title
Spacing (Title)Set the spacing of the title
Display (Title)Choose different available display styles
Typography (Description)Set the typography for the description
Content width (Description)Set the content width for the description
Color (Description)Set the color of the description
Link color (Description)Set the link color for the description
Display (Description)Set the display from the different available styles


PositionSet the dots position as a inside or outside
SpacingSet the spacing between dots
SizeSet the size for the dots
ColorSet the color for the dots
Border typeSet the border type for the arrow
MarginSet the margin for the dots


Click here to set the advanced options that are applied to this widget.