
Search form

Select styleSelect styles for the search form
Label Add the label content for the search form
Placeholder Enter your keywords for the placeholder

Icon or Image

Custom imageIf you want to add a custom image or not, choose as per your requirement
IconChoose and upload an icon for the icon or image
ViewView icon as stacked or default
SizeSet the size of the icon or image
PaddingSet the padding for the icon or image
Primary color Set the primary color for the icon or image

Submit Button

Custom imageSet the size of the icon or image
IconSet the color type for the icon or image
SizeSet the background type for the icon or image 
Padding Set the border radius for the icon or image
Primary colorSet the padding  for the icon or image


AlignmentSet the alignment for the label
Typography Set the typography for the label 
ColorSet the color for the label


Width Set the width  for the content
TypographySet the typography  for the content
Text color Choose the text color for the content
Placeholder colorSet the placeholder color
Background color Set the background color 
Padding Set the padding for the input content
Border type Set the border type for the content box
Border radius Set the border radius for the content 
Box shadowSet the box shadow for the content box

Close Button

Typography Set the typography for the close button
ColorSet the color for the close button
Background type Set the background type for the close button


Background type Set the background type for overlay


Click here to set the advanced options that are applied to this widget.