How To Set Simple Navigation




Title Add the title content in the blank space 
Select menu Select menu from available using drop button 
Title HTML tagSet HTML tag for the title
ViewSet the menu view as inline or default


Menu Container

Background type Set the background type as classic or gradient
Border typeSet the border type for the menu container 
Border radius Set the border radius for the menu container
Padding Set the padding for the menu container 
Box shadow Set the shadow for the menu container 

Menu Style

TypographySet the typography for the menu style 
Text colorSet the text color of the menu 
Background type Set the background type for the menu
Border type Set the border type for the menu 
Box shadow Set the shadow for the menu container 
Border radius Set the border radius for the menu
Padding Set the padding for the menu 
MarginSet the margin for the menu

Title Style

TypographySet the typography for the title style
Color typeSet the color for the title
Text shadowSet the shadow for the title text
PaddingSet the padding for the title
MarginSet the margin for the title


Click here to set the advanced options that are applied to this widget.