

Select style Choose the styles for the tabs
Tabs itemsAdd the tabs items by clicking on the “+” sign


Image sizeSet the image size for the tabs



Background typeChoose the background type for the tabs
Border type Set the border type for the tabs 
Border radius Set the border radius for the tabs 
Padding Set the padding for the tabs 
MarginSet the margin for the tabs 
Box shadowSet the shadow for the tab box

Tabs Control

Tabs alignmentSet the alignment of the tabs
Background type Set the background type for the tabs
Width Set the width for tabs control
Border type Set the border type for the tabs control 
Border radius Set the border radius for the tabs control
Padding Set the padding for the tabs control
MarginSet the margin for the tabs control
Box shadowSet the box shadow for the tabs control

Tabs Control Item

Tabs alignmentSet the alignment of the tabs
Icon position (Icon style)Set the position for the icon
Spacing (Icon style)Set the spacing for the icon 
Image width (Icon style)Set the width for the icon image 
Text color (State style)Set the color for the icon text
Typography (State style)Set the typography for the icon
Icon color (State style)Set the icon color for the tab control items
Icon size (State style)Set the icon size
Background type (State style)Set the background type for the icon
Border type (State style)Set the border type for the icon
Bottom border colorSet the bottom border color for the icon
Bottom border thicknessSet the bottom border thickness for the icon
Border radiusSet the border radius for the icon
PaddingSet the padding for the icon
MarginSet the margin for the icon
Box shadow Set the box shadow for the icon
Color (Subtitle)Set the color for the subtitle
Typography (Subtitle)Set the typography for the subtitle

Tabs Content

TypographySet the typography for the content of the tabs
Text colorSet the color for the content of the tabs
Background typeSet the background type for the tabs 
Border type Set the border type for the tabs content 
Border radius Set the border radius for the tabs content
Padding Set the padding for the tabs content
Box shadowSet the box shadow for the tabs content


Click here to set the advanced options that are applied to this widget.