

StyleSet the different styles for the feature box

Icon or Image

Use images?Click on “yes” to use images
IconAdd or upload icons from the library
ViewView icon as a default, stacked, or framed
SizeSet the size of the icon or image
Line heightSet the line height for the icon or image


TitleWrite the title in the blank area
Link on title?Click on “yes” to add link on title
LinkEnter the URL for the button’s link. Click the Link Options cog  to either add rel=nofollow to the link or to open the link in a new window
HTML tagSet the title’s HTML tag to H1- H6, Div, Span or Paragraph


ContentAdd the rich text, media in the blank space


Button textAdd the button text in the blank space
LinkEnter the URL for the button’s link. Click the Link options cog  to either add rel=no follow to the link or to open the link in a new window
IconChoose or upload icon from the library 



Background typeChoose classic or Gradient as the background 
Border typeSet a border to the entire box
Border radiusSet the border radius for the box
Padding Set the amount of padding
MarginSet the margin for the feature box
Box shadowSet the shadow for the box

Icon or Image

Color typeSet the color for image or icon
Border type Set the border type  for the image or icon
PaddingSet the padding for icon or image
MarginSet the margin for icon or image


DisplaySet the title display as a default, block, inline, inline block, and none
TypographySet the title typography
ColorSet the color for the title
Padding Set the padding for the title
MarginSet the margin for the title


DisplaySet the content display as a default, block, inline, inline block, and none
TypographySet the content typography
ColorSet the color for the content
Padding Set the padding for the content
MarginSet the margin for the content


TypographySet the button typography
Text shadowSet the text shadow for the button
Text colorSet the text color for the button
Background typeSet the background type for the button
Border radius Set the border radius for the button
Border typeSet the border type for the button
Box shadowSet the box shadow for the button
PaddingSet the padding for the button


Click here to set the advanced options that are applied to this widget.