The Litho Image Gallery widget allows you to easily add and style complex and beautiful image galleries on your page.


Image Gallery

Upload imageClick Add Image button to select images to display. Once selected, click Create a New Gallery button and then click the Insert Gallery button
Image sizeChoose the size of the image, from thumbnail to full
Metro grid positionsMention the positions (comma separated like 1, 4, 7) where that image will cover spacing of multiple columns and / or rows considering the image width and height
No. of columnSet how many columns will be displayed per row, from 1 to 24. Not available if Justified Layout is chosen
LinkSet the link for the images to None, Media File, or Custom URL
LightboxSet lightbox “Yes” or “No”
Entrance animationSet the Pointer’s animation style. Choose from Fade, Slide, Grow, Drop In, Drop Out, none, zoom in, zoom out, and many more

Hover Icon

IconSet the hover icon by checking “Yes”
Select iconChoose or upload icon for the hover



Columns gapSet the columns gap between the images
Border typeSet the type of border, choosing from None, Solid, Double, Dotted, Dashed, or Groove
Border radiusSet the border-radius, to control corner roundness
Box shadowSet the shadow for the image gallery

Hover Icon

Color typeSet the solid color or gradient colors for hover icon
SizeSet the hover icon size


Background typeSet the background type for the overlay
OpacitySet the opacity for the overlay


Click here to set the advanced options that are applied to this widget.