How To Remove Predefined Thumbnail Sizes?


You can remove predefined thumbnail sizes. So, to remove such sizes in Litho theme, make sure you copy below custom code in your child theme functions.php file or parent theme functions.php file. In this code we have removed all image sizes that are registered with the Litho theme. However, you can remove some particular image size as per your needs.

if ( ! function_exists( 'litho_child_remove_predefined_thumbnail_size' ) ) {
	function litho_child_remove_predefined_thumbnail_size() {
		// Only remove sizes are keep here and remove others.
		remove_image_size( 'litho-popular-posts-thumb' ); // 200 x auto image size
		remove_image_size( 'post-thumbnail' );
add_action( 'wp', 'litho_child_remove_predefined_thumbnail_size' );

Note : We recommend this code with child theme to prevent from your present customization code when parent theme updates.